Also, can anyone comment on whether or not the Goo...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Also, can anyone comment on whether or not the Google Analytics connector supports using filters,segments etc, out of the box? Was searching looking through the pipelinewise connector's Github and couldn't find any mentions of filters or segments
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@Davin Chia (Airbyte) correct. couldn't find any mentions of filters of segments on that tap's github
I suppose we could add filtering capability ourselves, just trying to figure out what is included right now
i..e. filters such as these
I'm not the GA expert. @Serhii Lazebnyi [GL] would you know?
@s who on the connector side can answer this?
@Davin Chia (Airbyte) No worries. Have looked more into this now. Support at the moment is is limited to view / dateRange / metrics and dimensions.
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Feel free to submit a feature request issue!
@Davin Chia (Airbyte) Sorry, missed this message. Work on other connector. @Jonas Bolin Yes, that’s good idea we can add filters for dimensions in custom reports. If I right understand your suggestion. Feel free to create issue on GitHub for this enhancement. Thanks!
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Thanks guys. Will submit a Github issue
Have submitted an issue now: