Questions about `StaticSite` - “when” are the prod...
# help
Questions about
• “when” are the production files copied to the s3 bucket? Is there differences between this answer when that command is
yarn start
yarn deploy
? • Sometimes it seems like there is only a dummy html content file in the bucket after a successful deploy, but why weren’t my frontend files copied up?
When using
yarn start
we only deploy a dummy site
yarn deploy
will do it for real
hmm….. I just did
yarn deploy
and I only see dummy content
I guess this is worth talking about too?
Nothing in the docs that I found about creating versioned directories. • Why does this happen? • How do we let a custom CF distro know which folder is the right one? • Do these folders get cleaned up at some point?
The odd/confusing thing is that the contents of
are from
yarn start
and the contents of the other are from
yarn deploy
. Feels like the opposite should be true?
Hey @Dan Van Brunt, yeah we should definitely add about these details to the doc.
Currently the deploys are atomic. So each deploy goes into its own folder. We keep 2 versions around, current version and the previous version.
is the “dummy” version used when you are “Live debugging” your app, hence the confusing name :S
ah! I thought it meant
Live = Prod
now I get it