Hi and thanks for the awesome project! :raised_han...
# help
Hi and thanks for the awesome project! 🙌 I got into a problem. My infrastructure folder & actual code folder are at the same level. Kind of like:
Copy code
| -- infrastructure | -- src
|                   | -- package.json
| -- service ------ | -- src ------------- | -- functions -- | -- createProfileHandler.ts
|                   | -- package.json
When I try to build(current directory = infrastructure) , assets are built in the correct folder, but I get the "`Cannot find asset : somePath/service/src/functions/.build/---main-src-functions-createProfileHandler-handler-1633618636177`" error The function handler in the API props is "../service/src/functions/createProfileHandler.handler" I think the asset lookup is not looking for the right file because of the ".." in the path which is transformed to "--" in the asset filename. The strange thing is that sst start is deploying successfully and the error is encountered on sst build & sst deploy Can you give me some help on how to reference handlers from an outside folder(outside from infrastructure/lib folder)? I tried using: 1. srcPath & handler props 2. srcPath using setDefaultFunctionProps 3. only handler prop 4. with
Where is your sst.json file?
in the infrastructure folder
Right now sst doesn't work with that structure
sst.json needs to be in the root and commands run from there
I recommend this structure
ok, thanks!
do you think you can support the separate folders structure in the future?
I do want to fix how we deal with paths across the system which would allow for this
taking some small steps to that this week
great! i will stay tuned to the updates
Hey @Alexandru-Bogdan Iaru if you still are using the previous structure, i think your problem might be the
in that path. I am using a similar sort of structure with
Copy code
  | ...
  | ...
and my reference to lambdas in infra looks like
so for you i suspect it might look like
i also would second supporting seperate folder structures in the future! my setup is i have a monorepo with packages that don't necessarily use sst so it's odd having sst and lambdas being defined in the root directory