Hey everyone, worked on something a bit weird this...
# random
Hey everyone, worked on something a bit weird this weekend and wanted to give you all a sneak peak. I generated NFTs for 50 AWS services: https://opensea.io/collection/aws-cubed I'll be launching them for real tomorrow but wanted to show you all early
How did you build it?
Through a lot of trial and error 😅 AWS provides a pack of icons for their services. I built a webpage in threejs that renders it as a 3d rotating box, then I used a library that steps through the frames in the browser to capture the frames and create a video. Left that open for 3 hours to step through all the icons (did 270 of them) - really should have done this on AWS Lambda. Then I picked the top 50 and uploaded them here
There are 270 icons?
yeah so many services... I learned a lot about AWS in this process
And learned how ridiculously inconsistent their naming is
Some are called Amazon and other AWS, right?
Amazon Lambda… AWS SQS.
Well, lambda is AWS, haha.
Yeah Amazon QuickSight...that's a good point I didn't pay attention to that when naming. Need to go back and fix
Yeah it’s so confusing… other is Amazon Polly.
But it’s insane how many services they have.
So much of effort, wow! You seem to be a very determined person, awesome effort.