just saw this one today: <https://serverless.com/c...
# random
just saw this one today: https://serverless.com/cloud wondering that do you think about it and how does it compare to sst in terms of dx?
The product you linked is an alternative to AWS, not an alternative to SST. They're working on a more focused serverless platform, like Vercel functions or cloudflare workers or Deno cloud
I haven't had a chance to use it but our philosophy is we want to make AWS look as simple as these platforms on Day 1 through SST. Then on Day 1000 when you need advanced AWS features they're right there
Platforms like these are great for going from 0 to 1 but if you're successful you're looking at a painful migration at some point. The same thing happened with Heroku
Just spent 15 mins on this after seeing above thread. And it looks huge potential to be an alternative to AWS Serverless. But heavy doubts on migration stuff.
That space is really heating up, I'm seeing a lot of simpler serverless platforms. Saw Digital Ocean acquired a company to head in this direction. Saw this one recently as well: https://www.zoho.com/catalyst/ Supabase is going to be adding functions
I think these companies serve a specific demand in the market and won't have any issue getting customers. It comes down to a difference in approach. If you're either 1. Confident in your AWS knowledge or 2. Using a tool like SST that hides AWS complexity you likely will opt to just use AWS from the beginning because it's not as scary. If you're newer to building products there's definitely a lot of other stuff to learn and you might not feel like dealing with AWS on top of that
We're doing our best to make the experience with SST feel as "no knowledge required" as some of these other tools. We probably won't ever be as good in that dimension but we can definitely make progress on the gap
But major issues found with these framework/technologies is compliance (like HIPPA, PCI DSS etc) and migration stuff. They all become silent at this point
Yep, my last company moved off of heroku when they became a payfac and needed to be PCI compliant. You eventually need the beast that is AWS
I think if you've gone through that once you never really opt to do that again
Yeah i agree with you. Basically all these are fruitful when we are developing utility based application, blogs, or some kind of marketing promotional campaign. And not for large scale or critical applications where stakes are on high risk
I think in terms of dx they are going the route of watching file changes and deploying it to their infrastructure. It says “sub-5-second code synchronization”. We had looked at this approach before creating SST and felt it would be too slow. If you are not blocking requests, then you have to wait for the deployment before invoking your functions. We wanted to make sure that after a code change you could simply invoke the function and be sure that the latest version was executing. On the architecture point, just echoing what @thdxr is saying. We want something completely open source and self-hosted in your AWS account (for the reasons he outlined). With a lot of the recent Serverless Inc products (Components and now the Cloud), it’s not clear to me what’s running on our end vs theirs, what’s open source and what’s not. That said, I’d love to try it out and check out the benefits to their way of doing things.
Hey I’m the product manager for Serverless Cloud and will be glad to answer anything about it.