Hello, not entirely sure who I would need to speak...
# papercups
Hello, not entirely sure who I would need to speak to about this but we are currently looking for a domain or list of IPs used to access the app.papercups.io portal we currently utilize. We have an onboarding process that puts end users behind a network that specifically needs to white list sites/ips in order to access them. Because of this, users on that network are unable to reach the chat option for papercups until they are on the production network. Essentially, need the proper range of information to white list.
@alex @Kam Leung
just wanting to check in on the status of this
Unfortunately Kam and/or alex are the only people who can give you this info
For users are u referring to customer support admins? Can you tell me more about the usecase?
Is this for internal support usecase?
Essentially, we have a customer support department for assisting our internet and directv customers. We utilize both phone support and chat/sms support. Currently, the system works fine on our production network but not on our onboarding network. To ellaborate further, here is the onboarding process for our customer: 1. customer moves into apartment and connects their device to the network (router, PC, etc). 2. Since that tenant is a new user in our system and their devices are not registered yet, their device gets put onto our registration network (receives a specific ip and goes through specific network equipment) 3. once the tenant goes through the registration process, they release and renew their IP and are then given a new IP address on the production network (which goes through different equipment as well) and from there they have internet The issue we are experiencing is that only users on the production network can use the chat feature that calls to paper cups to allow for chat support. However, any users on our registration network (who access the same web portal for their account) are not able to use the chat option. This is due to our registration network having more strict security since it has a bunch of unregistered users on it. In order for us to resolve this issue, we need to white-list a list of IP address or domains utilized from the chat option to the paper cups web app and were hoping you would be able to provide us that information.
if you can just do domains
should do the trick IMHO
Yeah agreed with @Edu we use heroku for hosting which doesn’t guarantee specific ip addresses.
Hello, We are having an issue with MMS messages through text. We currently have everything setup to allow MMS and it is setup through Tuillio to send those messages to the papercups app. However, even though we receive the physical message, it appears blank. For example, i tried to send a basic picture to our paper cups and the message came in blank. would you be able to assist with this?
Also to note, although im able to send pictures, files, etc through web chat to the app, i cannot send pictures, files, etc via text either direction. you will see i sent in a successful text followed by 2 blank texts (which were supposed to be pictures) and that my picture im trying send from the web gui is in red and wont let me send it
You need to create an AWS S3 bucket and set the environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=’xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’ BUCKET_NAME=‘SOME-S3-BUCKET’ https://github.com/papercups-io/papercups/blob/6da2aff525bbee0cc2f8357fad76c30f9e3c0e6b/.env.example