Afternoon all! I am currently working on getting P...
# pact-swift
Afternoon all! I am currently working on getting PactSwift implemented with my team, so I may have a few questions for you. We recently switched to using M1 Macbooks on Xcode 13.1 (running with Rosetta). When I try to run a Pact consumer test I am getting a few errors, most notable being this error:
mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'arm64', need 'x86_64'
Our Carthage file is set up as outlined here: Are there any known issues with PactSwift on Xcode 13.1 + M1 Macs? Or if you know a solution to this error, that would really help me out. Thank you!
On arm64 machines, regardless if you run Xcode using rosetta, you should use vanilla
to build your dependencies:
carthage update --no-use-binaries --use-xcframeworks
Ok thank you, I will take a look 👍