:wave: Hello, team. I’m doing some tech investigat...
# pact-swift
👋 Hello, team. I’m doing some tech investigation to see how we can integrate Pact to our iOS app. I was looking at PactSwift and it doesn’t seem to support Cocoapod, only carthage and SPM. Is there any plan to add Cocoapod support in the future? I saw that there is pact-consumer-swift which supports cocoapods but I’m not sure what’s the long term support plan for that version. I’d appreciate some info to help us make the right decisions, thanks!
There is no plan to share PactSwift through Cocoapods. pact-consumer-swift is slowly sunsetting.
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Best suggestion I have if you don’t want to introduce another dependency manager is to clone
, generate
, add it to your project and link it to the correct target.
I see, thanks for the info. I’m not a fan of cocoapods but it would be a significant effort to move away from that and I think it might be quite complex to use both SPM and cocoapods together. That could be an option I guess? 🤷‍♀️
What’s the rough estimated timeline for sunsetting the pact-consumer-swift?
Adding SPM packages to your project(s) shouldn’t be a problem at all. pact-consumer-swift is probably going to stick around for a while as is. It’s just that provider frameworks (go, js, jvm…) are pretty much all moving to support Pact spec v3 and you’d be left behind without all the bells and whistles that v3 provides.
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