Hi Dev's we have done the content box site by usin...
# box-products
Hi Dev's we have done the content box site by using commandbox in local and staging server. Here whenever the request submitted the URL redirect to : 12345 ( is my port ) instead of mydomain.com . Do you have any suggestion on this issue ? What else I have to correct while set up environments on staging ?
@Kannan I believe there is a setting for base URL in the contenetbox admin that controls where the links point
Okay. But I can't submit the action on end user side. I can able to do it by connecting RDP only. ( Because when I submit the form on my end it's redirect to ) But connecting RDP browser it's can able submitted properly with localhost URL.
@lmajano can you assist?
The issue is that ContentBox is multi-site and can be attached to MANY hosts now. So you need to add that base url domain to your site record. Go to Settings > Sites
and update your site
Thank you for your update and time @lmajano. I saw that you have created ticket for that and it's resolved now. https://ortussolutions.atlassian.net/browse/CONTENTBOX-1413 Let me look in to again my side. Thank you @bdw429s.
@bdw429s @lmajano I have already set the Domain Base URL value in site - > specific site ( Edit ) Domain Base URL value. But still have the same issue.
Note : I have set "openBrowserURL":"/", in server.json file. Do I need to give my domain name instead of just / here ?
The commandbox openbrowser setting is ubrelated ti contentbox
Have you reinitted the ContentBox framework?
Yes I have restart the server and reinit the application also.
if you want, you can open an issue in discourse, easier to track too.