My client is running CF 2021 and as part of the in...
# cfml-general
My client is running CF 2021 and as part of the install an older version of log4j is installed at: C:\ColdFusion2021\cfusion\jetty\lib\ext\log4j-1.2.17.jar Their IT dept. is kicking up since it is an obsolete version. Can it be upgraded?
@Graham No, it can't be upgraded. Adobe has "mitigated" the jar by removing some of the class files from it.
Adobe is aware of your plight, it would just seem they don't care much. it's been brought up many times and the response is usually that it will be addressed in the "next update", whenever that is.
Some IT scanners will shut up if you just rename the file to something else. (the name won't affect how it runs)
cc/ @Mark Takata (Adobe) @priyank_adobe
Cool thanks Brad. I will try your suggestion of the rename. Just wondering what this is actually used for? What should I test to see that my rename has not caused any issues?
I know it's used for Jetty and possibly a few other bundled libs that require it. There's a lot of java libs that just never updated their log4j use because the old one "worked"
What should I test to see that my rename has not caused any issues?
If the server starts or not šŸ™‚ But I know for sure the rename won't cause any issues. The way java works, the name of jars doesn't matter.
You will most likely need to ā€¢ stop CF ā€¢ rename jar ā€¢ start CF since the jar will be locked in Windows
Thank you Brad šŸ™‚
Reached out via DM to Graham to see if we can get him sorted. By the way, depending on the scanner, this rename trick has been shown to fail scans (I've now seen it fail 3 times, 2 government, 1 commercial). So it all depends what the IT Dept is using. Adobe is actively working on a generally available remediation solution which solves the issue for all cases, but it isn't quite ready. When we release it it will be via blog & documentation, & I will be sharing that here, on FB, on the forums and LinkedIN. In the meantime we are dealing case by case.
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Thanks @Mark Takata (Adobe) I will pass on your responses to the client IT staff.
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My pleasure, hope we can get you all sorted.
@Mark Takata (Adobe) why aren't y'all fixing it properly?
it's really not a trivial task, took us a long time to fix for lucee too
Thank you Zack. Yes, this has been a beast, and the scope was really huge.
Yeah but @zackster y'all did fix it. And adopted a palpable sense of urgency about it. Adobe's position seems to be "here's a bandaid I guess. [shrug]"
being OSGI made it easier with lucee (and yet still pull your hair out f-ing complex) to address all the third party libs
I ended up re-working our entire build CI process to ensure everything worked.. gotta love lucee light for that
Adam, with all due respect, you have absolutely no idea.
Adobe is aware of your plight, it would just seem they don't care much. it's been brought up many times and the response is usually that it will be addressed in the "next update", whenever that is.
Don't shoot the messenger. I did not fact check this, but this is pretty representative of the general "sense of urgency" that emanates from the CF Team
(the dev side of it, I mean, Mark)