RDS would be amazing but is probably too big in sc...
# general
RDS would be amazing but is probably too big in scope to just implement
Yeah, we’ve been mostly prioritizing constructs that invoke Lambda functions. Just curious, are you guys using native functions or stored procedures in RDS to trigger Lambda function?
we're using
extension that's loaded into aurora by default
it's barebones to say the least haha, but still better than polling DB for changes
I'm going to hook into the WAL eventually, which will serve as the origin of a CDC pipeline terminating in a data lake
Streaming the DB logs to multiple downstream consumers should in theory replace the
Aurora already leverages the WAL to enable lag-free replication. Any commit to the log is transferred simultaneously from the WAL to disk and to the Logical Decoding Interface which in turns pipes it over to the replicas
The nondescript "experimental data store" is actually the reason I rearchitected half the stack, which in turn led to SST!
Do you need an sst construct for RDS? Can't you just spin one up in a public vpc for dev?
Don't need one - we've been operating on an Aurora cluster spun up via CDK construct. It's a nice to have
I guess a better question is what be what would an SST aurora cluster do over the base one?