anyone know how to get serverless-bundle with webp...
# help
anyone know how to get serverless-bundle with webpack to not minimize code? It makes debugging difficult when you can not rely on the line number. I tried updating my webpack.config.js at the root of my directory to include the following but it did not help
Copy code
optimization: {
  minimize: false
don’t sourcemaps work for that?
what is sourcemaps? got any link/documentation you could share? Thanks!
well, what are you using to debug the lambda?
well in this case it is a runtime error that was caught with a try/catch and logged to cloudwatch
do you have a way to debug a deployed lambda with a debugger? cause that would be huge
currently i just copy the event that triggered the lambda then invoke it locally in my dev environment version of the function
you should consider something like epsagon to make debugging in the cloud easier in production. However, SST also offers local debugging functions as well. Also, here is what I was talking about in regards to source maps and Lambda.
thanks for the links! I will definitely check those out