Hey guys, I am trying to implement a notification...
# help
Hey guys, I am trying to implement a notification and freind request type of thing like Instagram does. Any tips which AWS services I should be using?
You just use a database and make a friend request item and a notification item. Can be any database you want but I personally always go for DynamoDB since its serverless.
So something like this
Copy code
friends:[id:1,id:2,.... etc
How you store it depends on the database you choose but you would probably want to store each friend as its own item unless you plan on having it restricted to a certain amount of friends.
For sending push notifications you can take a look into AWS Pinpoint
And for database, check AWS Neptune, it is a graph based, which is common as a storage layer for social apps
Thanks boys, ill check it out!
@Ömer Toraman You got any good article or YouTube video for learning AWS Neptune?