Hi guys, I have a multirepo structure with one or ...
# help
Hi guys, I have a multirepo structure with one or more stacks in each one, now I’m trying to create a step functions that will run with functions across those repos. Any ideia about how can I achieve this? Thank you!
This is tricky, you will have to import the functions using
you can get stack outputs to figure out what the ARNs are or store things in SSM (which is what I prefer)
Got it, thank you! 😄
And how you do the orchestration for deployment?
Who dictates what has to be deployed first?
Is there a way to put that in code?
I mean, maybe you can document.. “deploy stack 1 and then stack 2”.
But I would like to orchestrate that from code, is it possible?
I don’t get too far yet haha, I’m just creating a multirepo development environment first… If you find a good way first, please let me know…