Hi there, I've been looking for info on what can ...
# help
Hi there, I've been looking for info on what can be throwing this error during deploys / builds
Error: There was a problem transpiling the lambda handler
and then further down
There was an error synthesizing your app
I would love to provide more info on this but the stack trace isn't indicating where the error is coming from in my code. I am trying to integrate gremlin-js library within a lambda function, whenever I remove the code to query my gremlin server, it seems to deploy just fine. Outside of that, I don't know the exact reason for why this could be occurring. If I could get some more clarity on the above 2 errors, I might be able to narrow down the issue further on my end.
You could try adding it to nodeModules property of the bundle to prevent it being transpiled and have it installed instead
Unfortunately this didn't work, still not sure how to fix this
Can you share the how you setup your bundle?
I actually ended up fixing it using the aws-lambda-nodejs construct, doing pretty much the same thing you mentioned of declaring the external modules in the bundling. I'm not sure why it worked with aws-lambda-nodejs, but not the sst.function constructg
Doesn't seem to have fully worked actually because it's saying it can't find the modules that I declared as external modules
during lambda invocation, I mean
Thanks @Ross Coundon!
@David Garcia can I see how you are defining the
and how you are importing and calling
in ur code? I can give it a try on my end.
I think I managed to resolve the issue myself! Thanks. If I had another question would I ask here or would I make a new thread?
Oh nice! Yeah, a new thread would be better.