I see you guys have an <update command> that updat...
# help
I see you guys have an update command that updates related CDK packages as well that’s awesome thank you 🙌 how do I check what version of CDK is associated with each SST version? Context I want to update to
v0.60.8 SST
so that I get automatic export injection because I can’t get it working manually, but I’m concerned about any big jumps in CDK versions that might break my stack
If you go to the tag on github and view the package.json you can see what it depends on
if you're going from cdk 1 -> 2 that's a decent jump but it's a fairly painless upgrade process
ah makes sense, thanks for the tip on package.json good to know that 1 -> 2 isn’t too bad, I will probably do this shortly after launch in the meantime then hope I can get manual exports working 🤞
Personally, if you can do it before launch, I'd recommend it, that's lower risk than changing a live application
really? damn. Ok. I appreciate the advice does SST have any guides on this? or is the idea to just update and follow the TypeScript errors haha