qq when removing a reference, I need to manually e...
# help
qq when removing a reference, I need to manually export (I’m not on 0.60.8 yet) when I add the export like
I get an error
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Error: exportValue: either supply 'name' or make sure to export a resource attribute (like 'bucket.bucketName')
I can see the sst-generated exports in CloudFormation outputs they have a key, value, and name. How do I just use those values to make a manual export while my reference is removed? Posting resolution for visibility thanks @thdxr
the way I usually deal with thsi pre 0.60.8 is by explicitly deploying the dependent stacks first
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yarn sst deploy --stack DependentStackA
yarn sst deploy --stack DependentStackB
the way the cluster is being used in the reference I’m trying to use is cluster.grantDataApiAccess so I’m not sure what attribute it is using. That’s why I think manually setting the key and value and name would be easier so I can make sure it’s the same as the current deployment
the way I usually deal with thsi pre 0.60.8 is by explicitly deploying the dependent stacks first
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yarn sst deploy --stack DependentStackA
yarn sst deploy --stack DependentStackB
And then deploying normally
ah interesting, deploy them without the reference, then the export is not in use
thanks so much @thdxr 🙌 that was a way easier approach!