Did some benchmarking of some relational db stuff ...
# random
Did some benchmarking of some relational db stuff ahead of some of the work we're doing for RDS: https://thdxr.com/post/serverless-relational-showdown
So I should move away from SQL then?
And replace all with Dynamo?
Well where it makes sense to. I can see why people would want to stay with a relational db though especially when you need to sort/filter data by a large set of attributes
I think with data api and more so planetscale you get a pretty good experience
Well reporting and such also.
And SQL is flexible IMO.
You don’t know what you will need tomorrow.
Yeah dynamo does poorly with reporting or admin type interfaces
yeap - admin / reporting stuff is usually a table, easiest to map to ... structured tables - so SQL wins there 😄
Nice dude. Great insight. Are these open sourced? 🙂
I had no idea about Planetscale. It looks frikken fantastic.
Interested to know if you just used a "native" mysql driver when querying it?
are you asking if the benchmark is open sourced?
Yeah native mysql driver through kysely - they do some magic on their end to reinvent mysql's connection protocol so it doesn't map directly to transactions - which means it can scale to millions of conns whihc is perfect for lambda