Hey guys, Is there any recommendation on how to o...
# random
Hey guys, Is there any recommendation on how to organize S3 buckets? for example, multiple buckets, one for each feature, or subfolders by service, .. etc? Following the micro-services model, we create a bucket for each micro-service (in our case, we have services running on k8s). But also, I wonder if CDK can define properties to “backup” those buckets?… Want to hear ideas from you guys 🙂
I ran into S3 api call throttling issue a couple of times. (It’s a soft limit that you can request to get lifted.) Since then, I’ve tried to go w/ 1 bucket per feature.
also keep in mind any authorization requirements you'll have. You can use the bucket keys in your security policies e.g.
Regarding bucket backup… I was looking into this, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/v2/docs/aws-cdk-lib.aws_backup-readme.html
I like that, because I was wondering about how to organize the folders… if I need them or not.
But also, the way I access the files is using the “pre-signed url” thingy.
pre-signed url's have the access permissions of the creator of the url
So I never provide access to files directly, it’s always api-driven, and then user can hit the file (actually we use CFront signed).
which, might work perfect for your use case
Yeah I have to think about it.
I started to pay attention to this due today somebody decided to modify the “expire” time of a
folder that we have in Production. Apparently the files there weren’t supposed to be temporal 😂 .
So… sometimes developers doesn’t pay attention to infrastructure configurations/setups… and they just “put” a file.
I've seen the exact same thing
it's super easy to get Bucket permissions wrong
Yes! totally.
I've seen a single
directory that contained uploads from multiple customers in a multi-tenant system. The bucket was not public.
And also, people forgets about this, they just create a bucket when the project starts… and it just a resource that is never checked again while the application works fine.
However, every object within the bucket was public
Yeah, we have that problem here too.
That’s why I’m working on separating buckets by feature/platform.
so, nobody could list the contents of the bucket, but anyone could get a file if they simply guessed the object name
do we work at the same place? 😆
I think this is normal, starts with 1 bucket when the app or team is small.
But suddenly you have 5 teams and 20 developers, all using the same bucket.
Regarding files being public by accident - cloud front OAI is a nice way to prevent it
Cloudfront - Origin (select Origin) -> edit
Then block public access can be enabled in S3 permission (or via code;) )