Hi, I am trying to run a task that requires the up...
# ask-anything
Hi, I am trying to run a task that requires the upstream product from the previous task but also requires a product from a task that occurred in the beginning of the series. This is how I have it set up right now: education_load = PythonCallable(tasks.education_load, File('./cleaned_data/education.csv'), dag, name='education_load', params= pd.read_csv(dag[sex_age_load].product)) but when I try and build, this error message shows up: KeyError: "DAG does not have a task with name PythonCallable: sex_age_load -> File('cleaned_data\\\\sex_age.csv')" Is there any way to fix this?
dag takes the task name, not the task object. So try: sex_age_load.product
Or dag[“some-name”]