Worth noting that I'm not 100% what those flags ac...
# pact-net
Worth noting that I'm not 100% what those flags actually do though. I assume they only consider provider pacts with a matching branch/tag?
Those flags basically just extra information about the provider doing the verification. Similar to the version e.g. “version 1234” in “branch X” of “Provider” verified <dynamic set of pacts>.
Oh. Shouldn't they be on the publish options method instead of the pact broker method then?
mmm yes, but now I can’t remember where I am
let me finish this coffee before I confuse myself further 😆
oh, no, I’m wrong
When I split those options out I don't remember them being referenced in the publishing code, but I didn't look in much depth
this is the verification
there is a consumer selecting that says “matching_branch” (or similar) so it’s about selecting the pacts that match
Ah good, because that's pretty much what I said in the PactNet docs 😂
That was the issue for the reference that requested the support
(Only the first 2 bullet points are relevant, because we recommend using the CLI for publishing etc.)