Setting pages resigning in
Is there anyway to get to the Settings page without resigning in via email everytime? I'm logged in but can only seem to change my displayname via Profile
!Glasgow you shouldn't need to sign in every time @User can probably take a look and help you with this
@Kam we could discuss the idea of merging the settings page with the main page layout, so there wouldn't be a separate page anymore. That would be less confusing plus you could manage multiple communities rather than just one
Yeah it doesn't seem to remember me. Did yous just change something? Because now when signing in I can't even get to to the settings page it just takes me here. Maybe because I joined this group?
Oh yeah sorry try doing getting-started we need to fix this because we have issues with multi communities right now. We'll have a fix soon
No major changes except for showing the join link. It looks like a bug, we'll look into it
Ah right, nop same issue - seems to think my community is linen.dev/s/linen now
yeah the hacked fix right now is to got to /getting-started and click on open for your community then settings page and it will switch your user. It is definitely not ideal right now
Ah thanks - working now. Had to type in the url instead of the getting started button on homepage
Another hack right now is I have one opened on incognito and another opened in regular chrome browser. It is a bug with how we handle sessions right now with multiple communities. The launch went than expected so people are using multiple communities now
!Glasgow We just pushed a fix here: https://github.com/Linen-dev/linen.dev/commit/b72f89b491e286074ed3fe7621abc4f5ee3428eb Let me know if you still any issues. The settings page can still be a little confusing still that you have to getting-started but switching between accounts shouldn't be as buggy now.