Hi <@UFDR8S97S>, I just read <your slide> from you...
# android
Hi @no, I just read your slide from your latest talk and wondering if the
code is available in public Anyway, very nice slide, got reminded that GE can do all this 👍 Hope the recording will be available soon.
👀 1
Not yet!
Thanks 😄
hope it’s released soon 👌😄
Cc @Sorin Florea :)
Wow. These slides look like a pure gold . Will recording be published to Gradle's Youtube channel? Or this was some conference?
It was a conference and the videos will be published
Hey @no I already check the GE new export API sample project and can recreate what you’re doing on the slide! Thanks for the demo. Anyway, I have some question regarding the new GE API https://gradle-community.slack.com/archives/CFW1EQHNE/p1656302286195289
As a context, we want to create a build regression checker on our pipeline and we need to define a threshold/baseline for this. Would love to know if we can get this threshold with GE export API 🙂
How would you define a threshold or baseline with the API? What would the baseline be? What would the threshold be?
For the first iteration, we will have a constant as our threshold. We will use the API to define this constant. Based on the answer on the original question we can get it from this endpoint For next iteration, we want more dynamic threshold. For example compare current build with previous build or compare current build with last 7 days data (from GE API)
I would imagine that a single task execution would vary wildly based on many factors including whether or not the task was run incrementally, how many incremental changes needed to be computed, the CPU used, the environment used, the thermal throttling of the computer, if any other tasks are executing in parallel as well as if any other programs are running in parallel on the computer.
Well this is on CI with ephemeral machine, if there’s a deviation in how our machine perform, we want to catch it as well.
How will you remove false alerts such as when the Gradle version or any other buildscript library dependency is updated?
Why is it considered as a false alert? Is it because the cache is invalidated? If that’s the case we plan to have a granular threshold based on how the task is resolved, ex: if the task is kotlin compile and from cache then we will compare it with “compile-cache” threshold
That makes sense. Yes updating versions will invalidate the cache