Hi, guys! Is this contraint to limit glossary term...
# ui
Hi, guys! Is this contraint to limit glossary terms names to 50 characters really necessary? Is it imposed in UI or in the data model ? It might be adequate for standard glossary terms, but for some compound metric names, if we follow our current naming scheme, it creates a problem for us. Is it feasible to lift this contraint to, let's say, 100 characters ? Please see the attached picture
thanks for the feedback Nenad! I don't believe this is a constriction on the data model side, but on the UI side (trying to prevent unnecessarily long names which may throw off visuals in the UI). However, I don't think limiting to 50 is really necessary and I'm happy to limit to 100 as per your suggestion! will take care of that for you here soon
here we go! it should get in whenever we cut our next release https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/pull/5162
Great, Chris! Very much appreciated! We are preparing to rollout DataHub to an initial set of our business users (stewards, owners) in the near future so we are pleased with the progress you're making on Business Glossary UI; which was a main blocker up till your recent releases. Keep up the good work! I do have a few more obervations/suggestions i would like to comment with you guys. Is it OK for me to keep posting it on this channel ?
I'm glad to hear you're getting use out of it and enjoy the updates so far! and yes please we'd love to hear any of your feedback, feel free to leave it here, but I may also point you to our feature requests page or our issues page for bugs or problems for further documentation
👍 1
Great feedback!
👍 1
Cool, i'll check those out as well! I suppose there a current issue with the availability of the Future Request page
weird.. are you still seeing it? it's pulling up for me https://feature-requests.datahubproject.io/
i see this contraints is lifted in 0.8.39! Thank you, Chris!
glad to hear it helped you out!
thank you 1