Hi guys how to use UI created secrets from CLI ing...
# ingestion
Hi guys how to use UI created secrets from CLI ingestion? It trows error
hi Hrachya! can you post the error that you're seeing here? I'd also be interested to see the ingestion recipe you're using. If you create a secret via the UI you should be able to use it in CLI ingestion
It just cant find the secret, trows an error like couldn't find defined variable
hi @cold-autumn-7250 @few-grass-66826 did u manage to solve the problem? I'm trying to use the cli, the secret was defined trough UI, so it's not exists in the CLI's env
can Datahub resolve the variable in the Server side?
@chilly-sundown-93656 unfortunately no, just gave up on that cause didn't have time
hi @few-grass-66826 eventually I've sent graphQL requests to create the ingestion sources. it's not perfect, but works
Hi all, we are also facing this issue. We'd like to use the provided k8s cronjob for ingestion, which runs the datahub cli. By default it tries to resolve the secrets from the pod's environment (which we don't want to do as we do not want to expose secrets in plain text). Is there a way to configure the job command, so that it will resolve the secrets on the server side (like in the UI ingestions)?