Say we want to run our own lucee version... what w...
# box-products
Say we want to run our own lucee version... what would be a good approach? Could it be done with bitbucket repo where we publish our own lucee.jar? Or do we need to publish a valid engine packege with a box.json and engine.war ?
i think you need to run your own mini forgebox instance, the ortus team will chime in with the exact details this is how we automatically generate forgebox builds as part of the Lucee CI process out of interest, which of the outstanding issues is motivating using your own custom build?
out of interest, which of the outstanding issues is motivating using your own custom build?
These aresome of the issues which prevent a transfer of our codebase from adobe cf to lucee cf LDEV-3652 LDEV-2862 LDEV-3406 LDEV-3410
if you are going to do a custom build, how about first filing PRs including test cases? @pothys-mitrahsoft is looking into fixing the test case for
👍 1
I see I need to make a PR against the 6.0 branch. How does it work when we want/need a fix in version 5.3.9 ?
LDEV-2862 already seems to have a test case. Is that correct?
yeah and it's being updated
Keep in mind, regarding the JSON stuff, Lucee does handle/preserve types differently to ACF, I think ACF recently improved their serialization, however, some of these are probably WONTFIX
any breaking changes we decide to implement would only go into 6.0
with the QoQ test cases and in general Lucee/CFML checks if the value can be cast to rather than converting to the specified type, same goes with arguments
how can I run just 1 unittest ?
for 5.3 just add a return (path contains 2862) here
@birdy1980 you don't need a custom forgebox... Just publish your own package on Forgebox with your own cf engine (the docs cover this). So you'd just start with a custom slug like Server start cfengine=my-custom-lucee@1.2.3
Thanks @bdw429s I'll look into it 🙂
Ok, the package is just the war and box.json in a zip file