Downloaded the latest Commandbox (commandbox-jre-w...
# box-products
Downloaded the latest Commandbox (commandbox-jre-win64-5.4.2) but still have the older versioned directory (commandbox-jre-win64-5.2.1) in my Program Files dir. How does typing "box" in a terminal know which one to use? Or does it look for the highest versions folder and use that box exe inside? I don't see anything in the PATH env variable for box. When I do type box in vscode terminal, it now shows v5.3.1+00392 but that doesn't match the version in the downloaded filename.
How does typing "box" in a terminal know which one to use?
It doesn't
there is a environment variable called PATH. you must add the directory of the box.exe to that PATH
Not unless you've set the path
And if you've set the path, then you control that šŸ™‚
RIght but since I don't have it in my PATH, how is it working up till this point? In vscode term I type "box" and it fires up.
Do you really want two versions of CommandBox on the same machine? If not, close all CommandBox terminals, rename the box.exe and the JRE folder (as a backup), then unpack the new CommandBox zip file into the same folder where you previously installed CommandBox. First run of box.exe after that will upgrade the internals.
No but until I know the control mechanism (like the PATH var) I didn't want to delete it and then typing "box" in vscode not work and I now now where to change the "pointer".
As long as it's placed in the same folder it was running previously, then whatever you configured in VSCode to make it work should continue to work. It's possible you configured a custom terminal within VSCode that includes the file path to your box.exe file and that you don't currently have the CommandBox folder in your Windows system path.
Ok I found it. When I checked for the Path env variable settings, I only looked in the System Variable "Path", but in the my User Variable "Path" commandbox path is in there. Sorry for the miss on my end. Thanks @cfvonner and @bdw429s
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@cfvonner I still notice starting box in vscode, the version says v5.3.1+00392 which is not 5.4.2 as indicated in the commandbox download filename. Are they not the same thing?
@teaman Honestly, I would avoid having two folders in the first place ā€¢ pick a place you want
to live ā€¢ put it there ā€¢ put all future versions of box there ā€¢ stop putting box anywhere else And your life will be simpler šŸ™‚
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Start with those bullets above and see if that doesn't help you clear up your version differences
Like @bdw429s said, just overwrite the box.exe in the folder you know works with the new version.
When I have the right version loading, will it indeed show v5.4.2 in this?
If you start version
of box, and then start version
of box (which upgrades your box home) and then get confused and go back and run version
of box for some reason the best case scenario is your versions won't match and the worse case scenario is it will error.
OK thanks
The version you see in your screenshot doesn't come from the binary, it comes from the CFML code in your CommandBox home
Ok I took your advice, made my Program Files folder name without a version appended to the name. I updated my Path in my User Variables Path. I deleted the previous terminal in vscode. Opened a new one. Ran "box" and it did some one-time type setup. Then it opened and now that banner shows v5.4.2+00453. šŸ™‚
And yes my .CommandBox folder is in my ~.
You're a pro now
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