This might be a dumb question, but does commandbox...
# box-products
This might be a dumb question, but does commandbox work on the new macs with the M1 chip? I am getting the mac studio this weekend, and can't live without comanndbox.
this has been ask a lot lately, and the answer is yes.
@Daniel Mejia I am glad that I am not the only one asking. Thanks so much for confirming that it works, I am stoked!
Yes, I have an m1 too and it works great
we have some issues with the dock but hopefully it will be fixed soon
Lucee 5.3.9 also supports native M1 JRE's, previously you needed to use an intel JRE on a M1
The biggest issue right now is that the HomeBrew installation is broken. I think HomeBrew installs a native JDK now which breaks the version of the I mbedded Lucee server in the Commandbox that is installed by HomeBrew. Right now you can download the Commandbox with JRE off the Ortus site and manually place it in /usr/local/bin/ and it will work. A little slower since it is going through Rosetta but it works. As @zackster mentioned Lucee 5.3.9 will support the native JRE for the M1. It is in RC3 right now and should be released soon. @bdw429s has a version of CommandBox ready to go as soon as Lucee ships. So by the time you get your new M1 this should all be resolved.
I'd actually love it if someone on an M1 mac could test the tap pin bleeding edge of CommandBox (which ships with the latest snapshot of Lucee) and see if it works correctly on the native JVM Home brew includes
I tried it when you first released it and it didn't go so well. I'll try it again in a VM to make sure it's a clean install and let you know.
@bdw429s sorry it took so long for me to get to it but here are my results. I have a M1 MacBook Pro with Parallels Desktop installed on it. So I can create a Mac Virtual Machine that runs on the M1 chip and sees itself having an M1 chip. So I created a Mac VM with a fresh MacOS install. Then I install HomeBrew. After that, I install the CoomandBox tap and install the CommandBox which installed v5.5.0-alpha+00537. Then since I'm a CFWheels guy, I installed the CFWheels-CLI commands. Finally I installed a CFWheels app and issued a server start. The server start failed a couple of times. I could see Java starting but then failing. Then it dawned on me that it may be trying to start the wrong version of Lucee. Sure enough the server.json file just said "cfengine":"lucee" so I changed it to "cfengine":"lucee@5.3.9-SNAPSHOT+120" and then issued another server start. And wam bam thank you mam, the server started up just fine.
@bdw429s Let me know if you'd like me to try anything else.
That's awesome. Thanks for testing!
awesome! thanks