Is there any chance that this behavior could be ch...
# adobe
Is there any chance that this behavior could be changed?
It's always seemed kind of ridiculous that keys that "don't exist" can show up when looping over a struct.
You mean @Mark Takata (Adobe) jumps in the Tardis and goes changes behaviour in CF11, instead of you upgrading to a still-supported version of CF like CF2018 or 2021 in which the behaviour you're noting has been changed?
I'm all for it, yeah. Do something about the daleks and shit whilst yer about it, Dr Mark
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oh, dammit.
I think I like the back to the future version. But not the DeLorean, the original idea, which was a refrigerator that had to drive through a nuclear explosion.
i'd be okay with jut a time machine that goes back and fixes in for 2016. I'm not actually using CF11.
but I also drop support for 2016 in july... so 2018 is okay too.
lucee 5 still doesn't like it. Made me think it was on purpose and unlikely to be fixed in newer cf.
Lucee has that dumb-arse switch that engages better null support... I imagine the behaviour is old-skool with it off, and more sensible with it on.
Um, I think this is fixed in 2018 latest update (and 2021 also)...
Well if it is more sensible then I don't want it.
yeah, it totally is. I just didn't try it in those ones because i'm dumb.
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