Is there any chatter about when the next version o...
# adobe
Is there any chatter about when the next version of ColdFusion might be released? Is there an up-to-date roadmap document? /cc @Mark Takata (Adobe)
cc: @Aditya Nema
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It's probably about a year away... expect an announcement at CF Summit and they ramp up for a year of marketing, and then they release it usually around cf summit if all goes well. They have been on a 2 week cycle for the last x releases, except for a slight delay from 2020=>2021 - probably a covid related issue or something.
You usually hear about the public beta 6+ months out.
You can expect quite a bit of public talk about the CF Roadmap at the Dev Week coming up. Look for talks from Aditya, they will usually include quite a bit of that. If your company is interested in a private roadmap presentation, please email and cc myself at and we will make it happen.
Thanks both, I'll keep an ear out.
Gavin meant 2 year, not 2 week. 😆 And he's right. That's been the case since CF10 in 2012. But just to be clear, CF2021 was released in 2020 so 🤷.
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Yep, NOBODY wanted to name a product "2020 ANYTHING" so Adobe went with CF2021. Which, of course, was an amazingly positive fantastic year where nothing at all went wrong in the slightest. ---BLINK---
Yeah, not blaming them too much on the naming. Just pointing out that the 2 year cadence could still mean the next one releases this year. fingers crossed
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