Hey β€” im building an application that has a java b...
# general
Hey β€” im building an application that has a java backend and react frontend. I want to plugin to cal’s scheduling infrastructure (person a is free during x, person b wants to schedule time during y) but not use any of the frontend components. Ideally id have a java sdk that i could call and have my backend use it as the source of truth for scheduling β€” is there a way to do that?
we dont have a java sdk
As from my understanding, a (REST?) API is already under development. You might wanna wait a little bit to see if it fit your needs.
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That's correct @Demian N I think we will look into providing examples of calling the API endpoints in different languages/frameworks in our docs (Will try to include for Java, but wouldn't be an SDK per-se but plain fetch calls to the api endpoints.
got it an api sounds great β€” is there a planned release?
Not really a date set in stone but we expect to have news in the following weeks about it, maybe for v1.5. Also keep in mind this will be an Enterprise-only feature for now.
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