Is there a way or an API to get the latest offset ...
# general
Is there a way or an API to get the latest offset consumed for a real-time table/segment?
Under swagger Apis look for consumingSegmentsInfo API
Ah sweet. The intention is to monitor if the consuming segment offset is in sync with the kafka partition offset. Does Pinot expose such a metric already?
@User alternatively, what would be your suggestion on monitoring this?
this API is the only way to monitor exact offset consumed from Pinot side. Oe metric that is useful is LLC_PARTITION_CONSUMING. This is a gauge which will be 0 if the partition is not consuming for any reason. Monitoring this in a way such as “if 0 for more than 10 minutes, alert” would be good
@User just checking, we dont have any other ways to monitor lag betwee kafka latest offset ad consumer offset right?
@User @User yes, I am not aware of any other existing ways to monitor.
Thanks @User and @User. In my opinion offset or diff in the offset between Kafka and Pinot should be a metric that Pinot exposes. This can give users confidence in the freshness of data especially when it comes to real-time tables. LLC_PARTITION_CONSUMING doesn’t give as much insight and can be misleading there Kafka doesn’t stream messages 24/7