```Is this your first time deploying Airbyte: No O...
# troubleshooting
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Is this your first time deploying Airbyte: No
OS Version / Instance: EC2 t2.large (problem seems to exist on a local instance as well)
Deployment: Docker
Airbyte Version: 0.35.57-alpha
Source:  n/a
Destination: n/a
hi all - my question is on the configuration (
) import. We're designing a disaster recovery process for saving connector configurations and we're able to grab the export tarball no problem (programmatically, using the endpoint or manually in Settings > Export Configuration) but unable to consistently import the
into a given instance. If I drag and drop my
via the UI, it seems to accept it but then does nothing (i.e. fresh instance remains empty) and then I followed along with these docs to try and use the import endpoint instead but that didn't respect the contents of the
either other things that might be relevant: • original problem detected on AWS EC2 but then reproduced on a local docker deployment • the airbyte instance version (0.35.57-alpha) was consistent across export and import attempts any help is greatly appreciated (tagging @Josh Liu for visibility)
You can check the server logs when uou import the archive, you may have more clues there Have you taken a look at the octavia cli yet? This might be a new alternative to achieve what you are describing
@Chris Duong [Airbyte] I'll take a look at the server logs and octavia CLI - thanks
There s #public-octavia-cli if you'd like to discuss this topic there