Hi everyone nice to meet you. I came here wonderin...
# feedback-and-requests
Hi everyone nice to meet you. I came here wondering if anyone has tried to build a connector with blockchain data, and if it’s a use case for airbyte
@robi what kind of blockchain data are you thinking?
mostly events with in specific smart contracts
is it possible to access these events after the fact or must they be received in realtime? the latter doesn’t have great support on airbyte atm (although you could achieve it by requiring the user to setup a high availability component like a Google Pubsub or Amazon Kinesis stream)
the real time is not a priority it’s rather to collect data from different blockchain and gather it in a single place, more suited for analytics
It sounds like it should be possible then
Hi, is there some initiative started to provide kinda connector ?
Should we open an issue in https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/issues?q=label%3Aarea%2Fconnectors+ to start a discussion on it ?
Hey yeah it would be great if you can elaborate more on usecase so that we can have some discussion around it.
Great, I need to ask for approval before 😉
Has anyone started working on this yet? I was going to kick the tires and try making a web3 source connector.