Hi guys! I am trying to make airbyte use facebook_...
# troubleshooting
Hi guys! I am trying to make airbyte use facebook_business python library v13 instead of v12 in source-facebook-marketing setup.py installation, but it keeps giving the same error, even when I start from scratch and rebuild containers and images. Is the way I am doing to get the lib from git correct? Is there any cache that could prevent me from getting this facebook_business source code?
Hi there! Thank you for your time posting in our Slack Channel. This week we’re moving our support discussions over to discuss.airbyte.io; if you would be so kind as to post your questions there, you’ll be able ask for help from fellow users as well as the Airbyte team. It is our intention that as of Friday afternoon (Pacific Time) we will lock this channel to everything except administrator posts. We’ll leave everything in place for the rest of April if you need to get information or troubleshooting from existing threads, with the intention of archiving the channel in early May. We really appreciate everyone helping us to build our community, and we’re looking forward to the next phase.
oh please update to latest version