Airbyte protocol discussion: how is a source suppo...
# contributing-to-airbyte
Airbyte protocol discussion: how is a source supposed to behave if a field or stream it was asked to sync is not present? e.g: I request to sync “students” table then when we run the sync, the “students” table is not present. With the capabilities we have today, do we: 1. fail the sync entirely 2. sync what we can without failing 3. other In an ideal world I think we should make this configurable by the user when they setup the connection. In either case I think it should notify them. But for the moment, I am leaning towards 2 since we don’t have a strong notification mechanism right now, and so the user has to manually check if sync fails and try to deduce why that is
I think 2 should be the default, especially for now. Maybe at some point we could add catalog validations / behavior based on that, but today feels too soon.
unfortunately we don’t really have control over this with singer taps, do we?
do they have a stated way of doing things?
based on the tap i’m working on right now, it seems like they fail.
I’m not seeing a singer standard in the getting started docs…
I was assuming 2 was the default behavior...
maybe for a fixed API case like GH it fails?