<@U038S3PLHH9> why you’re building the project fro...
# troubleshooting
@Igor Moura why you’re building the project from the scratch? Are you planning to work in a feature or solve a bug? If not use the latest version and execute only
docker-compose up -d
this will get the version from the
Yeah, I'm trying to solve an issue mentioned previously here: https://airbytehq.slack.com/archives/C01MFR03D5W/p1648156874275159 Before doing any actual major changes (as in trying to make this value replaceable with an env var or as a new parameter), I'm trying to increase this hard-coded value to see if there are any actual performance benefits or not.
You can build only the postgres database connector instead the complete platform
Wouldn't that make no difference since the offending hard coded value resides on the core platform?
when building the connector
./gradlew airbyte-integrations:connectors:source-postgres:build
will only build and compile the necessary part to run the connector code
Good to know! I assume that, since this line resides at
instead of the connector folder, the core image should be built. I'll try to go forward with building only the connector and report back any findings, thanks! 😄