Hey guys, my question is about column names genera...
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Hey guys, my question is about column names generated for BigQuery tables (in my case, BigQuery wareshouse is the destination) by Airbyte - is there any way to co-erce the column names to be similar to those generated by FiveTran as described here - https://fivetran.com/docs/getting-started/core-concepts#namingconventions
Hi Rahul, unfortunately no, we don't expose a way to do yet. We are working on exposing custom transformations to users so this should be possible in a few weeks
Is there a specific name that isn't being translated correctly?
Our name transformations are similiar to what FiveTran lists. I believe the only one we do not do is • Separate two words that are joined with an underscore: "anotherName" becomes another_name
Conversion of multiple underscores to a single underscore - so I tried uploading data from Google Sheets to my org’s BigQuery warehouse, and these were the following anomalies that I noted :-
The column name col___1 remained as col____1; Fivetran would have renamed it as col__1
The column name col - 4 was renamed as col____4; Fivetran would have renamed it as col__4
Got cha. I'm guessing the blocker today is downstream processing relies on the Fivetran normalised names?
Sorry, didn’t get you 😅
haha I'm trying to understand how the naming not matching Fivetran affects your workflow 🙂
Oh okay, so basically sometimes we’re having to move between Fivetran and Airbyte due to some reasons for doing data sync-ups in our BigQuery warehouse. Change in column names messes up with some things that are done on the BigQuery table column names
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Ah interesting. What's the reason for switching between Fivetran and Airbyte?
No I mean, we aren’t switching continuously, its just that we’d decided to move onto Airbyte and let’s say, due to some unforeseen circumstances, we had to switch to Fivetran temporarily, but yeah, we want to move to permanently move to Airbyte, but again, if we do have to switch for certain unforeseen circumstances again, its good that the column names in the sync-ups match up, otherwise the codebase would need to be modified again
Understood! Thanks for explaining
Can I trouble you to write a quick issue documenting this? https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/issues/new?assignees=&labels=type%2Fenhancement&template=feature-request.md&title= I'll make sure we come to some resolution on this
And thanks for the clarifications! 🙂
Thanks Rahul! Let us know if there is anything else we can help with. Excited to welcome you to Airbyte 🙃
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