Hi there! I'm trying to migrate from Airbyte 0.14...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hi there! I'm trying to migrate from Airbyte 0.14.1-alpha to 0.22.3-alpha, which appears to be the current version. However, I'm getting "No migration found for target version: 0.22.3-alpha".
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[ec2-user@ip-172-31-45-53 ~]$ docker run --rm -v /home/ec2-user/0.14.1-alpha:/config airbyte/migration:0.22.3-alpha -- --input /config/airbyte_archive.tar.gz --output /config/airbyte_archive_migrated.tar.gz --target-version 0.22.3-alpha
2021-05-13 22:31:38 INFO i.a.m.MigrationRunner(parse):78 - {} - args: [--input, /config/airbyte_archive.tar.gz, --output, /config/airbyte_archive_migrated.tar.gz, --target-version, 0.22.3-alpha]
2021-05-13 22:31:38 INFO i.a.m.MigrationRunner(run):50 - {} - Unpacking tarball
2021-05-13 22:31:38 INFO i.a.m.MigrationRunner(run):67 - {} - Running migrations...
2021-05-13 22:31:38 INFO i.a.m.MigrationRunner(run):68 - {} - MigrateConfig{inputPath=/tmp/airbyte_migrate1347150974477562104/uncompressed, outputPath=/tmp/airbyte_migrate1347150974477562104/output, targetVersion='0.22.3-alpha'}
2021-05-13 22:31:39 INFO i.a.m.Migrate(run):88 - {} - Starting migrations. Current version: 0.14.1-alpha, Target version: 0.22.3-alpha
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No migration found for target version: 0.22.3-alpha
        at com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument(Preconditions.java:142)
        at io.airbyte.migrate.Migrate.run(Migrate.java:101)
        at io.airbyte.migrate.MigrationRunner.run(MigrationRunner.java:70)
        at io.airbyte.migrate.MigrationRunner.main(MigrationRunner.java:108)
could you try not setting --target-version at all?
i believe if you just leave out the flag it should auto resolve to the correct migration.
I tried leaving it out and also got an error:
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io.airbyte.migrate.Migrate: error: argument  --target-version: expected one argument
have you pulled master at all recently? it used to be a required argument but shouldn't be anymore.
Yeah, I just cloned it freshly.
I'm at
commit 3be2a6b1ddfe504d828aee11df8f495022acaaef
just tried to replicate this locally and was able to run it without the
trying to figure out what the difference is between the command that you and i are running to see if i can figure out what might be causing the error.
Thanks for looking at this!
At one point in the past, I also ran
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docker run --rm -v 0.14.1-alpha:/config airbyte/migration:0.14.1-alpha -- --input /config/airbyte_archive.tar.gz --output /config/airbyte_archive_migrated.tar.gz
Would that have left an old version of the docker image around somehow? (But why would it keep using the old one when I ask for 0.22.3-alpha?)
yeah. it feels like it's using an old image somehow, but given the comannd you're running i can't figure out why that would be the cas.e
https://airbytehq.slack.com/archives/C021JANJ6TY/p1620946685251700?thread_ts=1620945264.249000&cid=C021JANJ6TY ^ when you did this was there anything else in the error message? just curious if there are any other clues.
Copy code
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-45-53 ~]$ docker run --rm -v /home/ec2-user/0.14.1-alpha:/config airbyte/migration:0.22.3-alpha -- --inpu
t /config/airbyte_archive.tar.gz --output /config/airbyte_archive_migrated.tar.gz --target-version ''
2021-05-13 22:33:31 INFO i.a.m.MigrationRunner(parse):78 - {} - args: [--input, /config/airbyte_archive.tar.gz, --output, /co
nfig/airbyte_archive_migrated.tar.gz, --target-version]
usage: io.airbyte.migrate.Migrate
       [-h] --input INPUT --output OUTPUT
       [--target-version TARGET_VERSION]
io.airbyte.migrate.Migrate: error: argument  --target-version: expected one
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParserException: argume
nt --target-version: expected one argument
        at io.airbyte.migrate.MigrationRunner.parse(MigrationRunner.java:103)
        at io.airbyte.migrate.MigrationRunner.run(MigrationRunner.java:47)
        at io.airbyte.migrate.MigrationRunner.main(MigrationRunner.java:108)
Caused by: net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParserException: argument --target-version: expected one argument
        at net.sourceforge.argparse4j.internal.ArgumentParserImpl.processArg(ArgumentParserImpl.java:978)
        at net.sourceforge.argparse4j.internal.ArgumentParserImpl.parseArgs(ArgumentParserImpl.java:848)
        at net.sourceforge.argparse4j.internal.ArgumentParserImpl.parseArgsAtOffsetZero(ArgumentParserImpl.java:709)
        at net.sourceforge.argparse4j.internal.ArgumentParserImpl.parseArgs(ArgumentParserImpl.java:570)
        at net.sourceforge.argparse4j.internal.ArgumentParserImpl.parseArgs(ArgumentParserImpl.java:555)
        at io.airbyte.migrate.MigrationRunner.parse(MigrationRunner.java:96)
        ... 2 more
There's the whole traceback.
Maybe the line numbers will be conclusive evidence as to which image it was running
Wait that's the wrong one
yeah. it looks like in what you just copied the --target-version is still there. i want to try this:
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docker run --rm -v /home/ec2-user/0.14.1-alpha:/config airbyte/migration:0.22.3-alpha -- --inpu
t /config/airbyte_archive.tar.gz --output /config/airbyte_archive_migrated.tar.gz
Okay it seems like it was a wild goose chase. When I do it again it works without the target-version argument.
woo hoo!
I think I must have run it the first time with
, got the error message, and learned not to trust the documentation
But why doesn't
--target-version 0.22.3-alpha
we generally only write migrations for minor version bumps. so if you put in --target-version 0.22.0-alpha it should work and get you where you need to go.
Okay, I see. If you ask for
--target-version 0.22.3-alpha
it should probably automatically pick the migration that you need to get output that runs with 0.22.3-alpha. Enhancement request, then 🙂
yeah. we should make that tweak.
Hurrah, migration succeeded! Unfortunately I have a new issue. Starting a new thread...