I'm attempting to deploy locally using docker-comp...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
I'm attempting to deploy locally using docker-compose. Due to filesystem restrictions I have to use host directories in a different directory instead of letting docker manage volumes. I intend to locate all volumes under /data/local-volumes/airbyte-docker. I thought I changed everything I needed to in .env and docker-compose up -d works as expected, but when I try to setup a source, I keep seeing an error: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: source_config.json Does anyone have an example .env for using host mounts like this?
👀 1
What version are you using @Eric Gagnon
Is there a minimal example of how to do this? all these ROOT, PARENT, MOUNT references are extremely confusing.
You should be able to see the folder mapping in the .env file and docker-compose file. Maybe one volume you choose you dont have the right permission to write/read.
I finally got it setup through trial and error. but I actually also changed docker-compose.yaml's volumes to use named volumes with local bind mounts. However, now I'm running into the same issue I had when trying it on kubernetes: setting up a connection causes it to constantly loop through source and destination tests/validations. It says they pass, then starts the tests again.
Eric it's possible to check the Network tab in the browser to see if any request is not completing correctly? Also please share the server/scheduler logs