Hi, does anyone know how I can point to a private ...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hi, does anyone know how I can point to a private registry when adding a connector? (deployment: K8s/ helm chart -- 0.33.7-alpha)
I'm afraid that's not possible since we need to
docker login
first. The UI only let's you enter a URI
👍 1
I'm unable to reference public repositories in my cluster. How would you recommend I manage connectors?
I am able to do that. We deploy them to AWS ECR Public and use the URI from there. Example: public.ecr.aws/<repo-id>/<image-name>
make sure your cluster has public internet access, if you place them in a private subnet, it needs to have a NAT gateway
Awesome, how would you specify documentation URL in this case?
I suppose this might vary depending on the registry you use. For AWS ECR, there’s an option to add about and usage details for a image and that links to
Great thanks so much, so if I have a "public" registry inside of the subnet, this method would work ok as well?
That is correct. If the cluster is inside a private subnet, it can access anything from the internet given it has a NAT gateway. Subnets confuse me as well, so made these notes: https://github.com/jagannathsrs/notes/blob/main/aws-networking.md Hope these come in handy!
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Sorry I meant if the registry (which requires no login) is inside of the subnet, this method also works?
would this registry have a public IP or a private IP? either way I think it will work if it doesn’t require login, just make sure it is reachable from the Airbyte instance
👍 1
Thanks for your help, really appreciate it
airbyte heart 1