Hello folks, I was trying out airbyte today. I've...
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Hello folks, I was trying out airbyte today. I've setup airbyte on my local machine and try to use Clickhouse connector as a source and S3 bucket as my destination. I am getting this error`The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.` I am able to upload files to s3 from aws cli from my mac. Could you please help? Thanks!
Could you check @Sanchitha Sunil if you input the key/id in the correct place? also can you confirm the creds are following this: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_policies_examples_s3_rw-bucket.html?
Thank you @[DEPRECATED] Marcos Marx. I added my new credentials and I am not seeing any access denied error, but running into another issue. It's been testing connection from past 1 hour. It's not throwing any errors.
Am I missing anything?
I tried to setup 2 days ago and I ran into same problem. The connection setup test was running more than 8 hours and I had to abort.
Just wanted to update, I was able to get the S3 connection working.
@Sanchitha Sunil what was the cause of the error? 😮
It started working after I deployed airbyte in our aws ec2 instance in the same region as s3 and created Airbyte specific IAM user with read and write permissions to s3 bucket
@Sanchitha Sunil I ran into the same problem, and curious if it possible to access s3 bucket, which resides in specific aws account, from my local k8s cluster? I understand that by deploying airbyte to eks/ec2 where I’ll have my aws profile will work, but how should I make this work from my local machine? (With minimum charts/images manipulations). Thanks!