I am trying to download a file from a public bucke...
# help
I am trying to download a file from a public bucket
using this function:
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const downloadFile = async (pathToFile) => {
    const { data, error } = await supabase
    if (error) throw error
    return data
I logged out
and the Url seems to be correct since I can view the image in my browser. The error I'm getting is:
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Uncaught (in promise) 
{message: 'Access Denied', status: 400}
message: "Access Denied"
status: 400
[[Prototype]]: Object
My bucket is public and I'm using the standard
Enable read access for all users
policy for storage.objects. (public bucket itself has no policies) Is there anything else I need to do?
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public setting only applies to the public url. All other storage operations need RLS policies set to allow access even on public buckets. So download needs RLS a valid RLS policy. pathToFile is the path and not a URL in case that is what you used. I think you are saying you do have RLS policy set to true on all objects, which should allow download though...
Oh, I see. Yeah, I'm storing the public Url in my database right now and trying to use it for my file download:
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const { publicURL, error } =        supabase.storage
I can't find
anywhere in the documentation. Do I need to use
in this case?
yeah right, this is my policy right now for the bucket and storage.objects
I don't know what .pathToFile() is. Filepath is the entire name (with folders) of the file. So everything after bucketname/ in the url. Also when you show policies you need to show the actual policy versus just the title of the policy as the actual policy could be totally different.
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