Hello guys is this new and not documented yet @sup...
# help
Hello guys is this new and not documented yet @supabase/supabase-auth-helpers
Yes this is new and not documented as yet, it is a WIP and probably shouldn't be used in production as yet as there will be breaking changes.
Ok great thank you are these helpers coming in the Future
was looking for next.js SSR Auth for a production app so when i can use these
Yeah we are working on them at the moment.
Is there any timetable for releasing them?
Only to know it
@User it's currently only documented in the repo itself: https://github.com/supabase-community/supabase-auth-helpers/blob/main/src/nextjs/README.md Would appreciate you taking a look and providing feedback. The API on the nextjs side of things should be pretty stable, but can't promise yet that there won't be braking changes. Aiming to release this more broadly by end of March
Thank you looks nice looking forward to it! Going to test this in the next days.