<@U01JVDKASAC> I’m wondering if you have github in...
# seed
@Frank I’m wondering if you have github integration around releases on your roadmap.
Hey @Shine Li, what usecase do you have in mind?
When we release to production (this can be triggered by a release train), we want to present a change log in a release for product managers. This change log may come from some specially formatted commit messages. And since we are using github, it makes sense to use the release functionality there.
I see. And do you mean something like, when a developer hits promote to prod on Seed, the person is presented with a list of commits to review before confirming the promote? Or do you mean more like Seed auto-creates a new release when a build is promoted to prod?
The former is nice to have too but not in the same bucket of this functionality I think. I’m more interested in the later. and not only for promotion but also any deployments to prod. When the new release is created, the important things for me are: • I have a link to github commit diff between the current release and the last one in the release description • the release message also includes commit messages that follows a special format so that when engineers merge a PR they can type a special commit message and end up showing in the release description.
Up top, the “16 commits” is a link auto-generated by GH when a release is created, and you can click thru to view all the commits since the last release
As for the release note, what format do you have in mind? For SST, we use lerna-changelog to generate the release note.
One approach for this is to configure a Post-Deploy Phase for the PROD stage that look something like this:
Copy code
RELEASE_BODY=$(yarn changelog)
curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" <https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/hello-world/releases> -d '{"tag_name":"tag_name","body":"$RELEASE_BODY"}'
^I haven’t tested it, but would something like this work for you?
yeah. I think so. I can definitely use this. I opened this thread mainly because I thought maybe you have something like this to be baked in in the future, given the experience I had so far with seed is very much zero-code or nearly zero-code.
Yeah for sure! How are you generating the release note currently?
The reason I’m asking is that @Jay did some research on auto-generating release note while setting up the release workflow for SST, and there were a few different conventions out there. I think we need to let ppl configure the release note generation command.
We are not currently and are designing the process. I’m exploring all possibility atm hence the original question.
Got it. Fwiw, something that has been brought up before was to trigger a deploy to PROD when a new release is created on GH. The flow is a bit different, you would tag the commit and create a release first, and then a build is triggered.
GH integrations in general is something we want to invest in. Let me know what you settle on, and we can figure out how best to bake that into Seed. Whether that is you are generate the release note, and Seed is creating the release; or Seed is doing both.
yeah. sounds good. we’ll work something out first.