Hi! Serverless v3 is out. Can we migrate our deplo...
# seed
Hi! Serverless v3 is out. Can we migrate our deployments to it or should we wait for seed to certify it’s ready and compatible? Thanks!
Hey @François-Michel L'Heureux yeah we are working on it, just have to iron out some kinks. Will keep you posted on when it’s ready.
Hi @François-Michel L'Heureux we just rolled out support for v3. Give it a try, and let me know if works for you.
Oh wow that was quick. 👍
Hi! Some feedback about v3 support. 1. It works. 🙂 2. I think that the
environment variable is no longer supported and was replaced by the
flag. I would have expected to see it being used in the various commands. Thanks!