Hey all - my team's been trying out SST this week ...
# seed
Hey all - my team's been trying out SST this week and loving it, but we've run into an issue trying to set up a deployment with Seed. We're using Yarn 2 with
nodeLinker: node-modules
in our
, but get this error when the Seed process starts up. Anyone seen this before or know how to get it working?
are you checking in the .yarn folder?
No we aren't - is that something we should/want to do?
Yup we use sst + seed + yarn, here’s my gitignore:
Copy code
We’re on yarn 1 though
Yeah yarn has a doc about what to check in, feels weird but that's one of them
Thanks for the heads up - that definitely feels weird ha. I'll give it a shot
It feels weird at the beginning but makes sense if you truly want your git repository to be 100% reproducible in different environments
Probably not the place for this discussion, but isn't that what
files are for? And if I truly truly wanted it to be 100% reproducible I'd check in my
, right? What am I not understanding about the stuff in
that's important for Yarn 2 to run?
well, the yarn v3 code itself is in .yarn/releases, for example. I think yarn v1 just acts as a proxy. regarding checking in node_modules, it’s not efficient space-wise: in .yarn/cache there’s the packages but in compressed files. it’s also one diff per package, instead of one diff per file within a package
Good to know - thanks! As far as
though, at least in my project (which is nowhere near the biggest I've worked on) it's almost 300MB... I can't imagine checking that in. Context here though is that I am using
nodeLinker: node-modules
is not really that slow to check in, specially if you think that when you do a yarn install, it doesn't need to download anything else. the only part that I hate when using node-modules or pnpm as nodeLinker is that you end up having the zip files in yarn/cache and in the node_modules directory 😂 but in a way, that's already happening with other clients... they also have a cache somewhere in our filesystem