# general
Not yet! But we're planning on figuring it out soon
It should all be doable just need to do a PoC
ok, thanx a lot
I'd be interested on how you're going to solve this @thdxr. We ended up with quite a lot of code and hacky stuff, loosely based around subscriptionless: https://github.com/andyrichardson/subscriptionless
realistically I don't think there's any other way to do it than how subscriptionless does it
We didn't end up using subscriptionless due to the way it implemented subscription delivery. It queried and then iterated through all subscribers without any regard for things like tenancy/user. The only option was an in-memory
function which is no bueno at scale. What this meant is that if you had someone in workspace A and B both subscribe to
then when a widget changed in workspace A, all of workspace B's widget subscribers would be queried from DynamoDB and evaluated if they need to get the widget change or not. So I ended up just copying most of the code and writing a custom, and highly efficient data layer that only returned the subscriptions that would actually receive that subscription (i.e. no in memory filtering at all).
ah yeah that makes sense, we'll probably provide lower level primitives than how subscriptionless goes about it
Interested to see what you come up with 🙂