I don't know what magic SST has to do to functions...
# general
I don't know what magic SST has to do to functions to necessitate custom bundling steps instead of using CDK's NodejsFunction but there is some new support for esbuild options like inject... It would be really terrific IMO if SST was leveraging NodejsFunction (which already supports pretty much any esbuild configuration) so as not to be maintaining a separate similar but less maintained and featureful node bundler
Hey @Mischa Spiegelmock, yeah we are looking to support most esbuild config for
. Is there any particular configs u need right now? We will prioritize for them.
Ah gotcha!
But I'm really curious why Function can't wrap NodejsFunction - is there something so amazingly custom in the bundling step that can't be expressed using the options available to NodejsFunction?
it's really quite customizable
get all the features and bug fixes and dealing with different setups that NodejsFunction has... trying to maintain a parallel version seems like a nightmare. sst.Function doesn't work for my setup for example