That's an esbuild option we set to indicate it's b...
# general
That's an esbuild option we set to indicate it's being built for node (as opposed to browser or something else)
Copy code
Error: There was a problem transpiling the Lambda handler: ✘ [ERROR] Top-level await is not available in the configured target environment ("node14")

      5 │ await interp.loadState();
        ╵ ~~~~~
    at Object.bundle (/Users/cyber/dev/
    at Object.bundle (/Users/cyber/dev/
    at new Function (/Users/cyber/dev/
    at Function.fromDefinition (/Users/cyber/dev/
    at Api.createFunctionIntegration (/Users/cyber/dev/
    at Api.addRoute (/Users/cyber/dev/
    at /Users/cyber/dev/
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Api.addRoutes (/Users/cyber/dev/
Copy code
  "include": [
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES2022",
    "module": "esnext",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "lib": [
    "strict": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true
Copy code
const layer = new TclLayer(this, "TclLayer");
      layers: [layer],
      runtime: "nodejs14.x",
      bundle: { format: "esm" },
set it to
target: es2017
same error
ok it looks like your bundle.esm setting isn't being picked up
because we have a conditional that if esm is set, we set target to
instead of
i'm not overriding
Copy code
import * as sst from "@serverless-stack/resources";
import { TclLayer } from "./resources/layer";

export default class MainStack extends sst.Stack {
  constructor(scope: <http://sst.App|sst.App>, id: string, props?: sst.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    const layer = new TclLayer(this, "TclLayer");
      layers: [layer],
      runtime: "nodejs14.x",
      bundle: { format: "esm" },

    // Create a HTTP API
    const api = new sst.Api(this, "Api", {
      routes: {
        "GET /event": "src/http.eventHandler",
        "GET /eval": "src/http.evalHandler",
        "GET /auth": "src/http.authHandler",

    // Show the endpoint in the output
      ApiEndpoint: api.url,
When function props are merged bundle isn't merged, it's replaced (probably something we should change, but the entire api probably deserves another look over)
i'm not replacing bundle with anything though
switch it to
got it
i have this other problem, that it just hangs on "Deploying stacks" forever
Copy code

SST: 0.69.6
CDK: 2.15.0
Determining if we're on an EC2 instance.
Does not look like an EC2 instance.
Using stage: mish
Preparing your SST app
synth {
  output: '.build/cdk.out',
  app: 'node .build/run.js',
  rollback: true,
  roleArn: undefined,
  verbose: 2,
  noColor: false
CDK toolkit version: 2.15.0 (build 151055e)
Command line arguments: {
  _: [ 'synth' ],
  'version-reporting': false,
  versionReporting: false,
  app: 'node .build/run.js',
  a: 'node .build/run.js',
  output: '.build/cdk.out',
  o: '.build/cdk.out',
  quiet: true,
  q: true,
  verbose: 1,
  v: 1,
  disableVersionCheck: 'true',
  lookups: true,
  'ignore-errors': false,
  ignoreErrors: false,
  json: false,
  j: false,
  debug: false,
  ec2creds: undefined,
  i: undefined,
  'path-metadata': true,
  pathMetadata: true,
  'asset-metadata': true,
  assetMetadata: true,
  'role-arn': undefined,
  r: undefined,
  roleArn: undefined,
  staging: true,
  'no-color': false,
  noColor: false,
  validation: true,
  '$0': 'node_modules/aws-cdk/bin/cdk'
merged settings: {
  versionReporting: false,
  pathMetadata: true,
  output: '.build/cdk.out',
  app: 'node .build/run.js',
  context: {},
  debug: false,
  assetMetadata: true,
  toolkitBucket: {},
  staging: true,
  bundlingStacks: [ '*' ],
  lookups: true
Determining if we're on an EC2 instance.
Does not look like an EC2 instance.
Toolkit stack: CDKToolkit
Setting "CDK_DEFAULT_REGION" environment variable to eu-west-1
Resolving default credentials
Retrieved account ID 178183757879 from disk cache
Setting "CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT" environment variable to 178183757879
context: {
  'aws:cdk:enable-path-metadata': true,
  'aws:cdk:enable-asset-metadata': true,
  'aws:cdk:disable-version-reporting': true,
  'aws:cdk:bundling-stacks': [ '*' ]
outdir: .build/cdk.out
env: {
  CDK_DEFAULT_REGION: 'eu-west-1',
  CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT: '178183757879',
  CDK_CONTEXT_JSON: '{"aws:cdk:enable-path-metadata":true,"aws:cdk:enable-asset-metadata":true,"aws:cdk:disable-version-reporting":true,"aws:cdk:bundling-stacks":["*"]}',
  CDK_OUTDIR: '.build/cdk.out',
  CDK_CLI_ASM_VERSION: '16.0.0',
  CDK_CLI_VERSION: '2.15.0'
[dotenv][DEBUG] did not match key and value when parsing line 1: # These variables are only available in your SST code.
[dotenv][DEBUG] did not match key and value when parsing line 2: # To apply them to your Lambda functions, checkout this doc - <>
[dotenv][DEBUG] did not match key and value when parsing line 3: 
[dotenv][DEBUG] did not match key and value when parsing line 5: 
Building function src/http.eventHandler
Building function src/http.evalHandler
Building function src/http.authHandler

Deploying stacks
deploy stack: started mish-buttesbot-main
deploy stack: get pre-deploy status
deploy stack: get pre-deploy status: stack does not exist
deploy stack: addInUseExports
deploy stack: isTemplateChanged
deploy stack: run cdk deploy
deploy stack: poll stack status
deploy stack: poll stack status: unknown
deploy stack: poll stack status: unknown
deploy stack: poll stack status: unknown
deploy stack: poll stack status: unknown
deploy stack: poll stack status: unknown
➜ git:(master) ✗ nr deploy -- --verbose

> buttesbot@0.1.0 deploy
> AWS_PROFILE=mish sst deploy "--verbose"

SST: 0.69.6
CDK: 2.15.0
Determining if we're on an EC2 instance.
Does not look like an EC2 instance.
Using stage: mish
Preparing your SST app
synth {
  output: '.build/cdk.out',
  app: 'node .build/run.js',
  rollback: true,
  roleArn: undefined,
  verbose: 2,
  noColor: false
CDK toolkit version: 2.15.0 (build 151055e)
Command line arguments: {
  _: [ 'synth' ],
  'version-reporting': false,
  versionReporting: false,
  app: 'node .build/run.js',
  a: 'node .build/run.js',
  output: '.build/cdk.out',
  o: '.build/cdk.out',
  quiet: true,
  q: true,
  verbose: 1,
  v: 1,
  disableVersionCheck: 'true',
  lookups: true,
  'ignore-errors': false,
  ignoreErrors: false,
  json: false,
  j: false,
  debug: false,
  ec2creds: undefined,
  i: undefined,
  'path-metadata': true,
  pathMetadata: true,
  'asset-metadata': true,
  assetMetadata: true,
  'role-arn': undefined,
  r: undefined,
  roleArn: undefined,
  staging: true,
  'no-color': false,
  noColor: false,
  validation: true,
  '$0': 'node_modules/aws-cdk/bin/cdk'
merged settings: {
  versionReporting: false,
  pathMetadata: true,
  output: '.build/cdk.out',
  app: 'node .build/run.js',
  context: {},
  debug: false,
  assetMetadata: true,
  toolkitBucket: {},
  staging: true,
  bundlingStacks: [ '*' ],
  lookups: true
Determining if we're on an EC2 instance.
Does not look like an EC2 instance.
Toolkit stack: CDKToolkit
Setting "CDK_DEFAULT_REGION" environment variable to eu-west-1
Resolving default credentials
Retrieved account ID 178183757879 from disk cache
Setting "CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT" environment variable to 178183757879
context: {
  'aws:cdk:enable-path-metadata': true,
  'aws:cdk:enable-asset-metadata': true,
  'aws:cdk:disable-version-reporting': true,
  'aws:cdk:bundling-stacks': [ '*' ]
outdir: .build/cdk.out
env: {
  CDK_DEFAULT_REGION: 'eu-west-1',
  CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT: '178183757879',
  CDK_CONTEXT_JSON: '{"aws:cdk:enable-path-metadata":true,"aws:cdk:enable-asset-metadata":true,"aws:cdk:disable-version-reporting":true,"aws:cdk:bundling-stacks":["*"]}',
  CDK_OUTDIR: '.build/cdk.out',
  CDK_CLI_ASM_VERSION: '16.0.0',
  CDK_CLI_VERSION: '2.15.0'
[dotenv][DEBUG] did not match key and value when parsing line 1: 
Building function src/http.eventHandler
Building function src/http.evalHandler
Building function src/http.authHandler

Deploying stacks
deploy stack: started mish-buttesbot-main
deploy stack: get pre-deploy status
deploy stack: get pre-deploy status: stack does not exist
deploy stack: addInUseExports
deploy stack: isTemplateChanged
deploy stack: run cdk deploy
deploy stack: poll stack status
deploy stack: poll stack status: unknown
deploy stack: poll stack status: unknown
just hangs
looks like CDKToolkit is stuck in "review" status maybe that's why
@Mischa Spiegelmock can you try removing the CDKToolkit from the CFN console and try deploying again?
yeah i think that fixed it, thanks
just curious, have u killed a previous deploy by any chance?
i must have
Got it! We’ve got an open issue for this bumping up the priority
Hey @Mischa Spiegelmock, quick update on this. Just added some auto-handling for this. On deploy if SST finds the CDKToolkit stack is stuck in
, it will remove it and recreate.
Dope thx!